ACERWC urges AU Member states to protect Rights, Welfare of Children in Africa

Addis Ababa February 17, 2023 (FBC) – On the sideline of the 36th ordinary session of the African union summit, African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) briefed the Media on Overview of the Situation of Children’s Rights in Africa and its ongoing activities.

Briefing the media, Chairperson of the ACERWC and the Special Rapporteur on Children on the Move, Joseph Ndayisenga has called on the African Union member states to protect the rights and Welfare of the Children in continent. He urged AU member states to double their resilience in protecting the Rights and Welfare of the Children in Africa.

In its presentation Josep Ndayisenga indicated that State Parties to the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child are obliged to report to the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child on the status of the implementation of the provisions of the Charter in their respective countries.

Accordingly, the chairperson mentioned complaints and report that have been summited to the commission by member states including right and welfare violation of children affected by elections, minors under age and harsh working environment, conflict and discrimination.

Joseph added that ACERWC took preliminary review of the reports after which it draws list of issues to the respective States and held constructive dialogue with the Delegation of the State whose report is considered during its Sessions by issuing concluding observations and recommendations to the respective States.

By: Yonathan Yoseph

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