Adwa Victory Day celebrated at the National Defense College of Kenya

Addis Ababa, March 4, 2024 (FBC) – The Glorious Victory of Adwa has been commemorated at the National Defense College of Kenya in participation of diplomatic corps, members of the Ethiopian community, Kenyan public representatives and diplomats of several African countries.

It was stated on the occasion that the Victory of Adwa is a symbol of unity, strength and resilience of Ethiopians and African in general.

The Victory of Adwa serves as an inspiration, reminding Africans of the unwavering spirit and determination of their ancestors.

Participants reflected on the remarkable triumph Ethiopians under the leadership of Emperor Menelik II and his army over the Italian forces in 1896.

“The Victory showed the world that Africa is home to extraordinary bravery and unwavering unity,” the Ethiopian Embassy in Nairobi stated.

“The Battle of Adwa marked a significant turning point, as it was the first time an African army defeated a European colonial power. It shattered the myth of invincibility held by European colonizers and ignited a flame of hope and resistance across the continent,” the Embassy said.

“As we rejoice and honor this extraordinary victory, we must also acknowledge the sacrifices made by our forefathers. Their indomitable courage and profound love for their land and people set the stage for the liberation movements that followed,” the Embassy added.


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