Efforts progressing well to put more electric vehicles into service

Addis Ababa, May 23, 2024 (FBC) – The Ethiopian government is making significant strides in its efforts to increase the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) and establish a more cost-effective and environmentally sustainable transportation system, the Ministry of Transport and Logistics (MoTL) announced.

Speaking at the 15th anniversary celebration of Marathon Motors, an automotive manufacturer in the country, the Minister of Transport and Logistics, Alemu Sime, highlighted the government’s commitment to reducing the reliance on gasoline-powered vehicles and actively promoting the integration of electric vehicles.

“Our efforts are focused on transitioning towards a cleaner, more efficient transportation sector,” stated Minister Alemu. “By working closely with partners like Marathon Motors, we are making strides in producing and deploying more electric vehicles to address the growing concerns of air pollution and our nation’s oil dependency.”

To further incentivize the adoption of electric vehicles, the Ethiopian government has implemented a tax reform that provides benefits for EV importers and manufacturers. This strategic move aims to make electric vehicles more accessible and affordable for the society.

The minister emphasized the importance of leveraging Ethiopia’s resources to reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels and protect its economy from the associated waste. “It is crucial that we harness the potential of renewable energy sources to power our transportation system and build a climate change-resilient future,” he added.

For his part, Athlete Haile Gebresellesie, the founder and chairman of Marathon Motors, expressed pride in the progress achieved in the sector despite various challenges over the past 15 years.

This strategic collaboration between the government and the private sector underscores Ethiopia’s commitment to addressing the global threat of air pollution and transitioning towards a greener, more energy-efficient mobility landscape.

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