Embassy, Council on Foreign Relations discuss closer people-to-people ties between Ethiopia and Israel

Addis Ababa, March 1, 2022 (FBC) – Ethiopian Ambassador to Israel Reta Alemu met with Director of the Council on Foreign Relations, Lawrence Weinbaum (PhD) to discuss ways how to bolster people to people cooperation and institutional ties between the two countries.

Ambassador Reta briefed the Director on latest developments in Ethiopia in the light of the commencement of electric power generation at the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and other socio economic aspects.

He said that the Government of Ethiopia has been implementing economic and political reform activities despite security and related challenges.

The Ambassador highlighted the significance of the GERD in cementing regional economic integration apart from addressing the growing power demand in the country.

Lawrence Weinbaum, for his part, said: “Ethiopia is a special country for Israel. We have many friendly countries. What makes our friendship with Ethiopia unique is that we have a strong bond emboldened by blood relationship.”

“The people of the two countries are united as one family,” he said, stressing need to enhance people-to-people friendship between the two countries.

“The young people in Israeli community are exploring where their ancestors came from. Therefore, this new generation needs to be encouraged to learn more about Ethiopia,” he added.

“At the embassy level, we are working to strengthen people-to-people and institutional ties between the two countries,” Reta said, adding that it was agreed to hold a joint meeting in the near future and to organize a working visit to forge closer ties among the two peoples.

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