ERCS delivers food grains, materials supplies worth 10.5mln Birr in Tigray region

Addis Ababa, November 28, 2022 (FBC) – The Ethiopian Red Cross Society has provided food grains and materials worth more than 10.5 million birr for humanitarian support to the Tigray region.

ERCS confirmed on social media that heavy vehicles loaded with humanitarian aid are heading to the region.

1,500 quintals of wheat flour, 6,000 liters of food oil, and 150 quintals of beans are being transported to the area, ERCS further confirmed. The supplies were delivered in two rounds.

The financial source of the supplies is said to be from the Danish Red Cross.

This humanitarian supply aims to provide an immediate response to the Tigray region, ERCS added.

The Ethiopian Red Cross Society is working in coordination with the concerned stakeholders to ensure the continuity of humanitarian aid for the communities affected by man-made and natural disasters.

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