Ethiopia, Equatorial Guinea sign agreement to collaborate in mining, petroleum sectors

Addis Ababa, June 13, 2022 (FBC) – Ethiopia and Equatorial Guinea have signed cooperation agreement to collaborate in the mining and petroleum sectors.

Ethiopian Mining and Petroleum Minister, Takele Uma and his counterpart from Equatorial Guinea Gabriel Mbaga have signed the cooperation agreement on behalf of their respective countries. According to the agreement the two countries will exchange experiences and best practices in the mining and petroleum sectors.

Following the visit of Ethiopian delegation to Malabo and an invitation forwarded accordingly, Equatorial Guinea’s Minister of Mines and Petroleum Gabriel Mbaga arrived in Addis Ababa to explore ways for intended cooperation with Ethiopia.

Takele Uma expressed confidence that the two sides are in a better position to work together in the mining and petroleum sector.

It is to be recalled that the Ethiopian delegation, during its working visit to Malabo, discussed with its Equatorial Guinea’s counterpart on ways of establishing cooperation in mining and investment sectors on May 27, 2022.

The Mines and Petroleum Minister, Takele Uma and the Industry Minister Melaku Alebel have exchanged view with officials of the mines and petroleum sector on how to forge partnership between the two countries.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has also paid a working visit to Equatorial Guinea while attending the African Union Extraordinary Summit held in Malabo from May 27 to 28, 2022.





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