Federal Democratic Institutions Joint Forum approves code of conduct

Addis Ababa, December 28, 2020 (FBC) – The Federal Democratic Institutions Joint Forum has approved code of conduct.

Assistant Government Whip State Minister, Chala Lemi legal experts and various stakeholders have participated in the preparation of the code of conduct.

The regulation is instrumental to help the nine free and independent institutions accountable to the parliament form accountability and better accessibility to the public in accordance with their relationship with the House of Peoples Representatives.

The joint forum has deliberated on the reform plan of National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) and Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC).

Deputy Chairperson of NEBE, Wubshet Ayele, said on the occasion that the board has well structured the required human resource and fulfilled election materials.

Registration of political parties and arrangements of public relations activities has been conducted as per time scheduled; it is indicted on the forum.

Commissioner of the EHRC, Dr. Daniel Bekele, to his part said a wide range of activities including amendment of a legal framework of the commission have been carried out in a way to held the commission effectively discharge its responsibilities in a fair and independent manner.


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