ICPAC forcasts that South Eastern Ethiopia gains rainfall from October to December

Addis Ababa, September 5, 2020 (FBC) -IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Center (ICPAC) forecast that October to December is an important rainfall season for Ethiopia. African Countries such as Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda.

A drier than usual season is also expected in most parts of the region, including Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, most of Uganda, Kenya, southern, central and north-western Somalia and southern Ethiopia.

According to the forecast, rains are expected to start late over Tanzania, Burundi, eastern Kenya, southern and central Somalia and southeastern Ethiopia.

On the other hand, rains are expected to start earlier than usual over southern Uganda, Rwanda, western Kenya and the area centered on the border intersections of Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya.

Considering the ongoing simultaneous emergencies affecting the region, including floods, the desert locust invasion and the COVID19 pandemic, regional and national authorities are encouraged to use this seasonal forecast to adjust contingency plans.

ICPAC stressed that the Seasonal forecasts need to be used as indicators for the upcoming season for early planning.

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