Ministry set to assemble prefab houses in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, October 16, 2020 (FBC) – Ministry of Urban Development and Construction announced a plan to start assembling prefabricated houses in the city of Addis Ababa soon.

The state Minister in the Ministry of Urban Development and Construction Ministry, Mesfin Asefa said the construction of the prefabricated houses will be launched in the coming months of November and December, 2020.

In addition to addressing the ever increasing housing demand in the city, the assembling the units makes over the housing development and minimizes both the cons of the buildings and the speed of their construction , the state minister underlined

The ministry is arranging opportunities discussing with the contractors who won the contracts of the assembly to expand the assembling technology to regional cities and towns, Mesfin said.

Saying that the government is working to address bottlenecks related to financing, land supply, resources and project implementation leadership to speed up the intiative, Mesfin added civil servants will be benefited from long-term housing loan service facilitated by the government in this regard.

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