Prominent singer Dawit Nega laid to rest at Holy Trinity Cathedral

Addis Ababa, June 14, 2022 (FBC) – The Prominent Tigrigna music singer Dawit Nega who passed away on Sunday has been laid to rest at Holy Cathedral graveyard in the capital, Addis Ababa in the presence of hundreds of mourners, religious leaders, public representatives, artists and his loved ones.

Born and raised in Mekelle, Tigray, Dawit has contributed his part to the flourishment of both traditional and modern music through his dozens of Tigrigna songs preferred by his audience across the nation.

Dawit’s famous single releases include ‘Ajokhi Tigray”, “Da’amena”, “Baba Ilen”, “Hidyat Mekelle”, “Wozamei”, “Zewidero”, “Bnetselai”, “Kadus Tsebaya” and “Chocolata.”

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