Saudi investors keen on investing in agro-processing, manufacturing sectors in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, May 23, 2024 (FBC) – Foreign Affairs Minister, Taye Atske Selassie held talks with Chairman of Saudi Chambers Federation, Hassan Bin Mujib Al-Huwaizi with the focus of how to enhance trade and investment ties between Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia.

In his discussion, he called on the Saudi business community to enhance their engagement in the investment and trade sectors in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is currently creating a conducive investment climate with extensive reforms to attract investors from different countries, Foreign Minister Taye noted, calling the Saudi investors to tap the burgeoning opportunities in the country.

Hassan Bin Mujib Al-Huwaizi, for his part, pointed out that Saudi investors are keen to engage in investment and trade in Ethiopia, particularly in the agri-processing and manufacturing sectors.

Designated Saudi investors will be making a business trip to Ethiopia in upcoming August, according to the Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Ministry.

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