Tanzania commends Ethiopia’s efforts to promote peace

Addis Ababa, September 10, 2022 (FBC) – In a conversation with Tanzania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Librata Mulamula, the ambassador of Ethiopia to Tanzania, Shibru Mamo, explained that the terrorist TPLF has re-started a war in the northern part of Ethiopia and begun invading the neighboring regions using a backward war strategy, employing human waves and using the youths as cannon fodder.

He clarified that the terrorist group regularly engages in atrocious and heinous acts as part of their routine. According to Ambassador Shibru, the TPLF steals food grains meant for the underprivileged and uses them instead for military purposes.

He said that the group undermined the African Union’s efforts to promote peace by stealing the 570 000 liters of fuel belonging to the World Food Program, which were intended to transport supplies to conflict-affected civilians, and diverting it for military purposes.

He recalled that the government was making great efforts to end the conflict by establishing a peace committee made up of senior government officials in accordance with the dictum “African solutions to African problems.”

Minister Librata Mulamula stated that the Ethiopian government’s efforts to promote peace through the application of the continental maxim “African solution to African problems” are appropriate and commendable.


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