GERD makes self-determination a reality in Africa: ANC

Addis Ababa, March 11, 2022 (FBC) – The Representatives of the South African National Congress Party, addressing the First Congress of the Ruling Prosperity Party, underscored that the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), the largest hydroelectric dam in Africa, that has been built by Ethiopians has made self-determination a genuine reality in Ethiopia and the continent at large.

“I feel delighted to witness the fruits of the hard works and investments of Ethiopians, the largest dam in Africa. Thanks to all Ethiopians who have made self-determination a genuine really in the continent,” he said.

The project shows that no human power shall stand in the ways of Ethiopian and Africans to determine their own futures.

The #NoMore movement that has been held in 27 cities of the world is also another exemplary case that send a clear signal that no external power can interfere in internal affairs of African countries he on, he noted.

Ethiopia has managed to empower women in the high political leadership by constituting the government with not less than 50pct of female officials, he said.

The state of development in Ethiopia and its remarkable progress under the leadership of the Prosperity Party is serving as inspiration for continental prosperity, the representative noted.

He further congratulated Ethiopians for finalization of preparations to the forthcoming national dialogue, pledging commitment of his party to contribute to the successfulness of the process.


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