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ECNAS Canada, P2P announce webinar fundraiser event for conflict victims

Addis Ababa, October 8, 2022 (FBC) – The Ethiopian Diaspora Service has announced a webinar fundraiser event to support victims affected by the conflict in Ethiopia.

EDS confirmed the forum will be held online by Ethiopian diaspora organizations in Canada and the United States.

Acording to Ethiopian Diaspora Service, the event will be held on Saturday October 8 in attendance of the Minister of Health, Lia Taddese (PhD), Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the UN, Taye Atske-Selassie, and Ethiopian Ambassador to the USA, Sleshi Bekele, Ambassador-Designate of Ethiopia to Canada, Fitsum Arega, as well as heads and members of the Ethiopian diaspora organizations in North America.

The organizers plan to raise 400,000 USD from the fundraiser by involving Ethiopians living all over the world.

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