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Elevating Ethiopia, India relations to a strategic partnership top priority: Amb. Demeke

Addis Ababa, June 21, 2023 (FBC) – Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in New Delhi hosted a welcoming ceremony to Ambassador Demeke Atnafu.

The ceremony was also attended by Puneet R. Kundal, Joint Secretary of the East and Southern Africa division and other officials from Indian Ministry of External Affairs, Dean of the diplomatic corps, African Ambassadors, representatives of Business groups and Ethiopians residing in Delhi.

Ambassador Demeke, during the ceremony expressed his profound gratitude for the warm welcome extended to him and shared his delight to be appointed as Ambassador of Ethiopia to India at a time when the Ethiopia-India relationship is gaining momentum.

He further highlighted India as an emerging world economic and political power and commended it for becoming the Voice of the Global South.

He expressed Ethiopia’s keen interest to enhance, and further deepen cooperation and meaningful collaboration with India ranging from trade and investment, education, capacity building, technical cooperation, tourism, and cultural ties.

Elevating Ethiopia and India relations to a strategic partnership would be his top priority, the Ambassador said.

Deputy Head of Mission Ambassador Bizunesh Meseret thanked all who participated in the ceremony and reaffirmed Embassy’s readiness to work closely with all stakeholders including the Indian business community.



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