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Ethiopia calls for robust global climate financing, support

Addis Ababa, April 22, 2024 (FBC) – Addressing the 5th Africa Climate Talks in Addis Ababa today, Mr. Seyoum Mekonnen, Ethiopia’s State Minister of Planning and Development, emphasized the urgent need for expedited climate action aligned with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5-degree goal.

In his opening address, the state minister called for substantial financial support from developed nations to aid developing countries in their climate response efforts.

Mr. Seyoum outlined Ethiopia’s comprehensive reforms focused on policy, institutions, resources, and knowledge management, stressing the importance of robust stakeholder engagement for effective implementation.

He also shared insights into Ethiopia’s pioneering Green Legacy initiative, which extends beyond tree planting to encompass holistic water resource management and regional cooperation.

Underscoring the need for collective action, Mr. Seyoum urged developed countries to provide climate finance and technology transfer to support Africa’s sustainable development trajectories.

The 5th Africa Climate Talks serves as a crucial platform to define the next generation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and align them with the Sustainable Development Goals. The outcomes are expected to significantly contribute to the upcoming COP29 negotiations, where African nations will present a unified position on climate action.

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