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Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia explore ways to strengthen trade, investment relations

Addis Ababa, May 24, 2024 (FBC) – Ethiopian State Minister for Finance, Semereta Sewasew conferred with Saudi Assistant Minister of Finance for Macro-Fiscal Policies and International Relations, Abdulmuhsen Alkhalaf, on how to expand cooperation on various areas including trade and investment.

State Minister Semereta extended gratitude for the government of Saudi Arabia for its support for Ethiopia in the areas of trade, investment, infrastructure development, among others.

Semereta also pointed out that the countries have been collaborating in a range of sectors with regard to their geographical location and cultural proximity.

The State Minister stressed the need to expand areas of collaboration highlighting the economic potentials and the ongoing reforms in Ethiopia as an enabling condition to this end.

Assistant Minister Abdulmuhsen Alkhalaf, for his part, expressed Saudi Arabia’s keen interest to his intention to take advantage of the emerging investment opportunities in Ethiopia.

He also vowed to support the ongoing development in Ethiopia and advocate nation’s causes at international fora.


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