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Ethiopia, South Sudan agree to prevent illicit arms trafficking in border areas

Addis Ababa, May 25, 2024 (FBC) – The Ethiopia Federal Police Commission and South Sudan National Police Service have agreed to collaborate on combating on terrorism and illicit arms trafficking in their border areas.

Ethiopian Federal Police Commissioner General Demelash Gebremichael received and held discussion with police delegation from South Sudan led by Inspector General of South Sudan National Police Service Atem Marol today.

During the discussion, Commissioner General Demelash said that as per the MoU signed between the two institutions so far the Ethiopian Federal Police has provided supports to the South Sudan National Police Service in the past and will continue to share its best experiences gained through the reforms implemented over the years.

The two police institutions have also explored ways how to better implement the MoU for a strengthened collaboration.

The two sides have agreed to work together in preventing terrorism and illegal arms trafficking, especially in the border areas of the two countries.

To this effect, they have set up a technical team and put in place directives so that senior police officers of the two countries will meet and hold discussion soon in Gambela region, it was indicated.

Inspector General of South Sudan National Police Service Atem Marol said on his part that the Ethiopian Police University is providing various educational opportunities to South Sudanese young police officers and he added in this regard, the collaboration should continue.

The South Sudan National Police Service delegation visited Ethiopian Federal Police’s EFP Citizen Engagement App launched this week by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.


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