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Ethiopian Athletics Federation delegation travels to Mekelle

Addis Ababa January 10, 2023 (FBC) – A delegation consisting officials of the Ethiopian Athletics Federation and athletes born in Tigray region travelled to Mekelle city this morning.

The delegation is led by Ethiopian Athletics Federation President, Athlete Derartu Tulu.

The travel to Mekele aims to facilitate reunion of the athletes with their families after 18 months of war in the northern part of the country, according to Ethiopian Athletics Federation.

The Tigray-born Ethiopian athletes travelled to Mekele are Letesenbet Gidey, Goytitom Gebre-Selassie, and Gudaf Tsagay. These young athletes won gold medals at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the Oregon World Athletics Championships 2022.

Since the conflict erupted in the northern part of the country, the athletes have not been able to meet their families for more than a year.

The delegation’s trip mainly aims to “reunite the athletes with their families”, Ethiopian Athletics Federation stated.

It is to be recalled that Derartu Tulu, the first African woman to win an Olympic gold medal and the current president of the Ethiopian Athletics Federation, was championing the inevitable travel to the region to reunite the athletes with their loved ones since July.

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