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Intensive training on dimensions of new Ethiopian diplomacy kicks off

Addis Ababa, November 7, 2022 (FBC) – A group of diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia are gathered in the Sululta-based African Leadership Excellence Academy for a three-week training that aims to define the directions, dimensions, and domains of Ethiopian diplomacy.

The training officially kicked off today in the presence of the State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Birtukan Ayano, and the Chief and Deputy Chiefs of the Leadership Academy, Dr. Meheret Debebe and Mrs. Hiwot respectively, along with some 65 diplomats.

In delivering a keynote speech, State Minister Birtukan Ayano said the training was designed to update the knowledge and skills of diplomats in line with the new global-level realities in the economic, social, geopolitical, and digital arenas.

It’s the first round of training provided to diplomats in the current Ethiopian fiscal year. Birtukan stated that the sessions are planned to engage diplomats in new ways of thinking that fit the requirements of the day.

According to Birtukan, Ethiopians expect to witness a new day in the country’s diplomacy. She reiterated the importance of reflection on the highs and lows of Ethiopian diplomacy that the nation has passed through since the beginning of the reforms that the government has been undertaking for the last four years.

The Chiefs of the Leadership Academy also gave a birds-eye view of the training session, covering some of the contents and accompanying procedures of the upcoming sessions.

The morning session of the first day of the training was covered by Dr. Meheret Debebe, who spoke in detail about various dimensions of thinking under the banner of “The Thinking Diplomat”, as per MFA Ethiopia.

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