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President Sahle-Work meets with Metropolitan of Aksum

Addis Ababa, July 10, 2023 (FBC) – The FDRE President Sahle-Work Zewde held a discussion at her office today with the Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Aksum Daniel Biazis, the Office of the President confirmed.

Accompanied by the Secretary of the Holy Metropolis of Aksum, Mr. Georgios Constantin, the Metropolitan conveyed the heartfelt wishes of His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, Theodoros II to the Ethiopian president.

The discussions primarily revolved around the valuable contributions of the Patriarchate of Alexandria to charitable actions and the strengthening of the religion tourism in the country.

During the meeting, President Sahle-Work was apprised of the extensive presence and diverse activities of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria not only in Ethiopia but also across the African continent.

Reflecting on the historical ties between Greece and Ethiopia, the President highlighted the longstanding presence of Hellenism in the country and the remarkable role played by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Aksum.

She further emphasized the deep connections shared by both nations in matters of faith. Notably, President Sahle-Work made reference to the historic Metropolitan Palace in Addis Ababa (Sedest Kilo), which stands as a testament to the enduring friendship and mutual respect between Greece and Ethiopia.

For his part, Metropolitan Daniel emphasized the importance of educational opportunities for Ethiopian students. He put forth a scholarship program sponsored by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and from Universities and Colleges in Greece, aiming to support and empower young minds in their pursuit of knowledge. The scholarships would enable deserving Ethiopian students to pursue higher education and contribute to the country’s progress.

Following their exchange, President Sahle-Work engaged in a comprehensive forty-five-minute discussion with His Eminence on matters of mutual interest. The meeting concluded with Metropolitan Daniel expressing his gratitude to President Sahle-Work for her time and dedication. He extended his wishes for her continued success in serving the Ethiopian people, praying for the progress and prosperity of the blessed Ethiopian nation.

This important encounter between President Sahle-Work Zewde and Metropolitan Daniel serves as a testament to the significance of religious and cultural ties between Ethiopia and Greece. As both nations continue to foster collaboration and understanding, it is anticipated that this meeting will contribute to the strengthening of bilateral relations and the promotion of common values.

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