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South Sudan to ratify Nile Basin Cooperative Framework agreement soon

Addis Ababa, April 4, 2021 (FBC) – South Sudan’s Irrigation and Water Resources Minister Manawa Peter Gatkuoth reaffirmed his country’s support to Ethiopia’s full rights on its natural resources.

The Minister further underscored that the government of South Sudan will soon ratify Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement as soon as the parliament is opened.

Assertion from the South Sudanese minister came when he held talks with Ethiopian Ambassador in Juba, Nebil Mahdi.

During their discussions, the two stressed enhanced multifaceted cooperation between their respective countries.

Ambassador Nebil briefed Minister Manawa Peter Gatkuoth on undergoing trilateral negotiation on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and Ethiopia’s commitment to resolve the issue with peaceful dialogue.

Manawa Peter Gatkuoth, to his part, underlined that South Sudan understands Ethiopia’s amicable approach to utilize its natural resources as part of the fight against poverty, pledging full support to Ethiopia’s endeavors in this regard.

The Minister further said that completion of the GERD brings about bright hope to the region in building regional economic integration and addressing the power demand in the area.



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