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Stirling Foundation affirms commitment to sustainable peace in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, May 22, 2024 (FBC) – An Ethiopian delegation led by the Peace Minister Binalf Andualem held a discussion with officials of the Stirling Foundation in Utah State, U.S. on how to forge pathways to cooperation on peacebuilding and related areas.

Binalf said on the occasion that volunteer services being provided by the State’s youth and seniors is making a significant contribution to bringing peace to the area and creating a strong state. “Ethiopia will learn a lot from this as a country,” the minister said.

The Stirling Foundation has also vowed to strengthening its contribution to the efforts underway to achieve lasting and peace in Ethiopia.

Nicole Stirling, Deputy Executive Director of the foundation, confirmed that the foundation will continue to strengthen its support for government’s efforts to ensure sustainable peace.

Members of the delegation toured the Utah State’s humanitarian centers and various religious institutions working together to bring peace and solidarity to the region.

The Minister also consulted with officials of various governmental institutions in the state on peacebuilding issues.

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