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Tsehay aircraft arrives in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, February 9, 2024 (FBC) – “Tsehay”, the first ever aircraft that was made in Ethiopia in the 1930s and handed over by the Italian Government last week, has now arrived in Ethiopia, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) confirmed.

The first aircraft was built in 1935 under the collaborative efforts of the German engineer and pilot of Emperor Haile Selassie I, Herr Ludwig Weber, and Ethiopian individuals of that era.

The aircraft has been placed in the newly built Adwa Victory Memorial museum in Addis Ababa and is now open for visitors.

Note that the Italian government handed over Tsehay aircraft a fortnight ago in Rome during Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s visit to Italy to participate in the Italy-Africa Summit. That historic milestone was achieved owing to the diligent efforts by the Ethiopian government.

In that regard, the aircraft returned to its home soil today accompanied by Ambassador of Ethiopia to Italy, Demitu Hambisa.

Upon arrival at Bole International Airport, the Ethiopian delegation aboard the plane carrying Tsehay was greeted by CEO of Ethiopian Airlines Group, Mr. Mesfin Tasew, ,Mayor of Addis Ababa, Ms. Adanech Abiebie, Ambassador of Italy to Ethiopia, Agostino Palese and other officials.

The handed over of the aircraft by the Italian Government to the Ethiopian government on the sidelines of the last Italy-Africa Summit is testament to the excellent relations between Rome and Addis Ababa.

The aircraft’s name was chosen in honour of Princess Tsehay, the daughter of Emperor Haile Selassie I, it is indicated.

Over the past year, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has made great efforts in discussions with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to guarantee the return of the aircraft to Ethiopia, the Office of the Prime Minister reminded after the handover in Rome.

Tsehay was designed as a two-seat, dual-controlled aircraft, featuring a more powerful engine. It possessed essential components such as a compass, pilot controls, and two fixed landing gears without brakes. The engine, a seven-cylinder Walter Vinus with a water-cooling system, boasted a horsepower of 115. The maiden flight of Tsehay occurred in December 1935, during which Weber flew 50 kilometres from Addis Ababa.

The flight lasted approximately seven minutes, with the airplane maintaining an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. “Tsehay stands as the sole aircraft manufactured in Ethiopia prior to World War II. The aircraft was constructed with limited resources and space, relying on the craftsmanship of carpenters of that period. “Tsehay” represents the only surviving artifact from the aviation endeavours of the 1930s.

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